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Emerald green flower earrings

Beautiful emerald green earrings which are gold- plated in an enchanting combination of two colours green and gold. Flowers were the most used embroidery design, this is why flowers, medical plants even the bird symbol were the inspiration of making this collection. Bird symbol is most used animal symbol in folk manufacture, since the beginning... MORE >

1,6 cm x 1,6 cm

Recycled gilded brass, surgical steel, Bohemian crystals.

Young fledgeling, unfettered and curious, flies into the world. A world, in which meadows full of beautiful flowers and fields set with infinite golden ears. It is a world in which boundaries don’t exist, because birds don’t know boundaries. Fly birds fly. The symbol of a bird is... MORE >

Aupark Košice, Košice - available

Avion Shopping Park Bratislava, Bratislava - available

Eurovea - nákupné centrum, Bratislava - available

30,00 €

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